June 20
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YEREVAN. - As long as the talks haven’t resumed and Azerbaijan is carrying out accumulations, we must be ready for any scenario, Spokesperson for the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), Eduard Sharmazanov, told journalists after the RPA Executive Body meeting Thursday.

According to Sharmazanov, inter-political and foreign policy issues specifically related to the situation on the Contact Line were discussed at the meeting.

“One thing is clear: As long as the talks haven’t resumed and Azerbaijan is carrying out accumulations, we must be ready for any scenario. Azerbaijan strives to solve the issue through political means. It has [already] failed once.

Armenian and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) are exclusively for the peaceful settlement of the issue. We must know one thing: we must be strong and united both on the battlefield and at the diplomatic front,” he said.

In Sharmazanov’s words, if Azerbaijan tries to solve the Nagorno-Karabakh issue by military, aggressive and terrorist means, provoking new war, Armenia will implement the steps mentioned by the President, up to the recognition of NKR.

“Armenia’s aim is the international recognition of NKR. And we will do everything so that Artsakh becomes a subject of  international law, and its people live in a secure country, regardless of whether the West wants this or not,” Sharamzanov noted.  

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