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YEREVAN. – Vice President of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia, Eduard Sharmazanov on Friday received MP Gustavo Vera of the Argentine capital city of Buenos Aires.

Welcoming the guest’s visit to Armenia, Eduard Sharmazanov highly assessed the Armenian-Argentinean multilateral relations, and noted that they develop adequately and in normal fashion. He highlighted the rapprochement and development of relations with the Argentine Parliament, for the adoption of the resolution on the recognition and condemnation of Armenian Genocide.

At the ensuing talk, the interlocutors paid a key attention to Pope Francis’ forthcoming visit to Armenia. The NA deputy speaker assessed the Papal visit to the country, which was the first to adopt Christianity, as historic and significant in terms of consolidating the Christians of the whole world and preaching love and peace.

In this context, and touching upon regional challenges, Eduard Sharmazanov presented the recent aggression which Azerbaijan had unleashed against Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), and which has become distinguished with several military crimes committed by the Azerbaijani military force, toward both the military and civilians.

He noted that Turkey, keeping Armenia under blockade already for 23 years, openly showed support to Azerbaijan. The NA vice chairman considered inadmissible the use of double standards on such issues, stressing: “The people of Nagorno-Karabakh have the right of free will and living free, as the peoples of other countries.”

And the residents of Artsakh have already expressed their will in 1991, by seceding from the USSR through referendum.

“Nagorno-Karabakh will never be part of Azerbaijan, as its aspiration of freedom is endless,” added Eduard Sharmazanov.

Gustavo Vera also reflected on the Pope’s visit to Armenia, and assessed it with its special importance and objectives. The Argentinean lawmaker also highlighted the strengthening of ties with Armenia, presented the activities of Argentine native Pope Francis, where the fight against wars, racism and terrorism, the refugees’ issues, and the exclusion of discrimination against them have a special place.

Several other matters of bilateral interest also were discussed during the talk.

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