June 20
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YEREVAN. –  “No man ever steps in the same river twice”. This is the way Russian analyst Yevgeny Satanovsky described Turkey’s attempts to normalize relations with Russia.

The expert does not believe in sincerity of Ankara’s moves.

"How can we speak about sincerity of a country, which has managed to destroy the relationship with all its neighbors, bringing them up to the most severe degree of cooling - Russia, Israel, Egypt?” he wonders.

Ankara is trying to somehow improve relations damaged due to policy of the Turkish leadership, he told Armenian correspondent.

“However, the level of trust that existed before, at least in Moscow and Tel Aviv, cannot be restored,” he added.

As for economic relations, every Turkish project will be considered carefully, Satanovsky believes.

Asked about Baku’s involvement in the process, the political scientist stated that Azerbaijan, unlike Kazakhstan, plays no role in the attempt to establish Russian-Turkish dialogue.

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