June 20
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Media has to play a positive role in pushing forward the Belt and Road Initiative, President of China Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory message welcoming participants of a media forum in Beijing.

He welcomed the participants of the 2016 Media Cooperation Forum on the Belt and Road that brought together participants from more than 40 countries, including Armenian News – and Noyyan Tapan news agencies from Armenia.

The Belt and Road initiative aims to establish and develop ties with the countries that were once a part of the Silk Road.

Mr. Xi Jinping emphasized that China wants to promote multilateral cooperation and develop trade and economic ties in the spirit of the Silk Road. He called on the countries to join their efforts in finding a new model of cooperation in various fields.

Chinese President said the platform of media forum would be used to build trust and dialogue between the countries.

The media forum is hosted by People’s Daily.

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