June 20
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French President Francois Hollande announced its intention to create the National Guard to protect the citizens of the country, Sputnik News reported.

“President of the Republic [Hollande] decided to establish the National Guard from the existing operating reserves,” Elysee Palace statement noted.

The president will inform the French Defense and Security Council of the plan to establish the National Guard at the beginning of August and the conditions of its creation will be discussed in parliamentary committees in September.

In the last two years France was overflowed by a wave of acts of terrorism, responsibility for which, in most cases, was undertaken by ISIS.  The last one was on the church in the suburbs of Rouen, France.

On Tuesday morning, two terrorists, armed with knives, captured five people in Saint Etienne's church in Sent-Etienne-du-Ruvre (the suburb of Rouen) during morning service: priest, two attendants of church and two parishioners. The police arrived at the scene quickly and shot the criminals who were trying to come out of the building. The priest was killed, one of the hostages was in a critical condition. ISIS took responsibility for this attack.

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