June 19
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Tens of thousands of illegal migrants get to Europe through Balkan route despite its closing in March, 2016, The Guardian reported.

Closing of a corridor has considerably reduced number of the refugees getting on the continent, however, according to the newspaper, 24,790 people have reached Europe through Serbia since March. For the same period 21,231 refugees have reached Austria that is approximately the tenth part from an indicator for that same period in 2015, however exceeds annual values of last years.

As it is noted, many people prefer to get to Europe through the Balkans instead of taking boats from Turkey to the Greek isles, where new refugees are now detained after landing. Considerable number of refugees pay smugglers to transport them to the continent.

“Right now it’s heaven for the smugglers. Europe is giving smugglers a lot of work”, 26-year-old Syrian carpenter Tareq Ahmed said.

According to some experts, the closure of the Balkan route was not proved itself: it forced refugees to seek more dangerous route to Europe, increased the suffering of the people needing protection and care and also added works to smugglers.

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