June 15
Show news feed

If Kremlin wishes, Ankara is ‘more than ready’ to cooperate with Russia over peaceful settlement and delivery of humanitarian aid to the needy regions of the country.

Turkish FM Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu made the aforementioned statement Thursday, DW reports.

In his words, it is necessary to exert more efforts for achieving truce and political solution to the conflict. “If Russia truly wants to cooperate on issues of ceasefire and humanitarian assistance, we are more than ready for this,” he said.

Earlier, the Spokeswoman for the Russian MFA, Maria Zakharova, noted that the cooperation of Russia and Turkey over the Syrian crisis tends to be constructive and thus joint actions are possible. In her words, in Moscow “we are very realistic about what Ankara does. There can be no illusions and doubts here. The dialogue and cooperation have resumed, which supposes exchange of information. Joint actions are [also] possible, if needed.”

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