June 18
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Armenian FM Edward Nalbandian met with the Secretary General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF), Michaëlle Jean, in Paris on Wednesday.

The meeting, which was attended by the Executive Director of OIF and persons in charge of the Secretariat, was dedicated to the launch of the preparation work ahead of the La Francophonie summit to be held in Yerevan in 2018.

Nalbandian informed Ms Jean that Armenia approaches the commitment to host the La Francophone summit in Armenia with great responsibility, this issue having been put on the agenda of the session of the National Security Council adjunct to the Armenian President, which was held in December. Consequently, the head of the state instructed to set up an interagency commission coordinating the preparation work of the summit.

The interlocutors also discussed the possible terms for holding the summit, referring to various substantial and organizational issues.

Furthermore, Nalbadian and Ms Jean agreed on the first visit of the OIF summit preparation group mission to Yerevan.

At the meeting, reference was also made to the results of the OIF summit in Antananarivo last year and the process of implementing the adopted decisions. Apart from this, views were exchanged on different direction of the OIF activity. 

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