June 19
Show news feed

BRUSSELS. - President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, who is on a working visit to Belgium, on Tuesday met with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

Thanking for the warm reception, the Armenian President expressed satisfaction with the rather loaded and efficient agenda of his working visit. He also expressed hope that the discussions held with European People's Party (EPP) President Joseph Daul  in an open atmosphere, as well as the meetings to be held with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and newly-appointed President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani will certainly contribute to the deepening of cooperation between Armenia and EU.  

Furthermore, Sargsyan underscored the importance of announcing along with President Tusk the conclusion of the negotiation process taking place round the new Armenia-EU Framework Agreement for over a year. According to him, the new agreement will serve as a solid legal ground for the expansion and development of Armenia-EU relations in the coming years, while the mutual commitments reflected therein will also be directed at the large-scale political and economic reforms of Armenia, which are the basis of the mutual relations.

President Sargsyan also expressed hope that in addition to the agreements reached, the sides will in the future work towards the involvement of Armenia-EU investments and that the EU support to Armenia will continue. Sargsyan considered it an undeniable fact that the cooperation with the EU has already greatly contributed to the significant progress in the sphere of economy, justice, state administration, as well as democracy and strengthening of the institution of defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Armenia.

Besides, the interlocutors referred in detail to the Armenia-EU relations and their prospects. President Sargsyan also stressed that being an EAEU member-state, Armenia attaches great importance to the development of Armenia-EU economic relations aiming to continue the reforms and advance their agenda in various spheres.

During the meeting, the situation in the region and recent developments were discussed as well. Moreover, Serzh Sargsyan and Jean-Claude Juncker touched on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The President briefed the latter on the recent developments and concerns on the settlement of the conflict. He highly appreciated the balanced stance of EU on the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh issue, this being in line with the efforts and statements of the OSCE Minsk Group, the only internationally recognized format of the conflict settlement.  

Apart from this, the sides exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East, including the Syrian crisis, migrant crisis and the humanitarian aid provided by Armenia and various other states to the friendly people of Syria and Syrian Armenians. 

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