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Terrorism is a vice that can appear anywhere, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan told MIR TV, as he commented on the recent terrorist attack in London.

“That is why we need to be vigilant all the time, we constantly need to take action,” added Sargsyan. “But in reality, this [i.e. terrorism] is a crime the carrying out of which is impossible to predict. It’s one thing when there is a visible enemy. [But] it’s [altogether] another thing when people, whose issue is completely different, can penetrate into Europe under the guise of refugees; it’s very difficult to fight against this.”

A man on Wednesday ran over pedestrians with a car in Central London, and, subsequently, attacked a policeman with a knife.

The attacker was shot dead by police, and the wounded police officer died in hospital.  

Later, this attacker was identified as British citizen Khalid Masood, 52.

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