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Nikol Pashinyan’s press conference sparked a lot of questions. This is what deputy of the Prosperous Armenia faction of the National Assembly Gevorg Petrosyan told journalists today.

According to him, a lot of the points that Pashinyan stated have nothing to do with the government’s activities and are not achievements. “For instance, Nikol Pashinyan assured that the appointment of diplomats is no longer political, but this can’t be considered an achievement. The same goes for the statement that the column of cars of the Prime Minister stop under a red light,” he said.

The MP also stated that the country hasn’t seen the results of the joint session of the national security councils of Armenia and Karabakh and hasn’t noticed the investments that, according to the incumbent authorities, were going to be made right after the Republican Party of Armenia stepped down from power.

On May 8, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave a big press conference during which he summed up the results of the government’s activities a year after change of power.

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