June 20
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British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said on Tuesday she would carry on making the same point to Russia about its aggressive behavior regardless of any insults its ministers throw at her.

After talks in Moscow last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a joint press conference with Truss that their meeting was like a conversation between a mute and a deaf.

“We are concerned about a government that is expansionist in its intent, that seeks to undermine the democracies on its border and we are going to call it out. Frankly, I don’t care what insults are levied at me by Sergei Lavrov, I will carry on making the same point,” Truss told ITV.

However, commenting on the Russian Defence Ministry's report on the military's return after the Crimea exercise, Truss said she had not seen the reports and would need more details, adding: “The Russians have claimed that they have no plans for an invasion, but we will need to see a full scale removal of troops to show that is true".




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