July 27
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In connection with the completion of the investigative measures, the Emergencies Ministry officers are no longer on duty in the Surmalu shopping center.

As a result of the explosion at the shopping center two weeks ago there are 16 victims, another citizen is missing. August 24, investigation activities were terminated by the headquarters decision and neither the body nor the remains of the missing citizen were found.

However, police and Emergencies Ministry were on duty at the site of the explosion and access to the building was denied.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations spokesperson Hayk Kostanyan told that the ministry performed its assigned functions around the building. Although the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Communications carried out debris removal, according to Hayk Kostanyan, the debris removal in the area of the exploded building is not in the competence of the ministry and should be handled by the administration of Surmalu shopping center.

Dismantling of the building is also in the competence of the management of the shopping center, the Ministry can only give advice on the matter. Hayk Kostanyan ruled out that the remains of the missing citizen may be found during the cleaning of the territory.

More details are in the video.

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