June 20
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Pakistani authorities on Wednesday ordered malls and markets to close by 8:30 p.m. as part of a new energy conservation plan aimed at easing Pakistan's economic crisis, officials said. The move came amid talks with the International Monetary Fund, AP reported.

Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif and Energy Minister Gultam Dastgir said Tuesday that the government has decided to close businesses early as part of a new energy-saving plan approved by the cabinet. Authorities also ordered wedding halls and restaurants to close at 10 p.m.

The government expects the measures to help save energy and cut spending on imported oil, on which Pakistan spends $3 billion annually. Pakistan generates most of its electricity using imported oil.

So far, there has been a mixed reaction from shopping malls, restaurants and shopkeepers who want the government to reverse the decision.

Many Pakistanis shop and dine in restaurants before midnight.

Business executives say the new measures will negatively impact their establishments, which suffered during the pandemic when the government imposed work bans to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Since 2021, the coronavirus has caused 36,000 deaths out of 1.5 million cases in Pakistan.

Pakistan is currently negotiating with the IMF to relax some conditions on a $6 billion disbursement, which the government believes will further increase inflation.

The Fund disbursed the last major tranche of $1.1 billion to cash-strapped Pakistan in August. Since then, talks between the two sides have stalled.

Pakistan claims that last summer's devastating floods damaged its economy by as much as $40 billion, making it difficult for the government to meet some IMF conditions, including higher gas and electricity prices and new taxes.

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