June 20
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Uzbekistan does not recognize the September 9 presidential election in Nagorno-Karabakh. A statement to this effect was made by the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) of the country, the RFE/RL Uzbek service reports.

"Uzbekistan strongly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the friendly Republic of Azerbaijan, condemns any interference in its internal affairs, and does not recognize the so-called presidential elections in Karabakh," the statement reads.

The MFA of Kyrgyzstan also issued such a statement.

"In connection with the events in Karabakh, the Kyrgyz Republic once again expresses its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Strongly advocating the inviolability of internationally recognized borders, Kyrgyzstan calls for resolving all issues through political and diplomatic means in accordance with the UN Charter and the fundamental principles and norms of international law," the MFA of Kyrgyzstan said in its statement.

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