June 20
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It cannot be said that there are no concerns regarding the security of the North-South road corridor, but according to Armenia's Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, this is a matter of the overall geopolitical situation.

"I believe security issues are very sensitive all over the world today, there is no way to say that there are no security issues, but at the same time, both Armenia and Iran have a clear commitment to the implementation of this project, and Iran has always expressed unequivocally its unconditional support for Armenia's territorial integrity," the economy minister said in response to Sputnik Armenia's question.

He noted that today the world is in quite rather "heated" state, and there are various conflicts and escalations of the conflict. As for the security of the specific North-South road section, Kerobyan does not consider it correct to make a special separation.

As reported earlier, the Road Department Fund of Armenia, as well as the Abad Rahan Pars International Group and Tunnel Sadd Ariana joint venture on Monday signed—in Yerevan—the road construction contract within the framework of Tranche 4 of the North-South Road Corridor Investment Program. Within the framework of the existing Kajaran-Agarak (Iranian border) reconstruction project of Tranche 4, it is planned to reconstruct the Agarak (Iranian border)-Vardanidzor-prospected Kajaran tunnel exit section, with a total length of about 32 km.

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