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Lebanese Armenian man Vicken Euljekjian, who was captured by Azerbaijan after the 44-day war in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020, has serious health problems. Vicken's wife, Linda Euljekjian, told this to Arevelk news agency.

"The life of Vicken is hanging by a thread. Vicken's health has deteriorated sharply. Lately, we rarely contact Vicken, and during that time it becomes clear that he has serious health problems and it is necessary to release him from the [Azerbaijani capital] Baku prison as soon as possible," said Linda Euljekjian.

She noted that steps are being taken for Vicken's freedom, but did not want to give details.

Linda Euljekjian expressed hope that her words will reach the societies of Armenia and the Armenian diaspora, who will take steps to save her husband's life.

Lebanese Armenians Maral Najarian and Vicken Euljekjian had left for Berdzor (Lachin) town of Nagorno-Karabakh to get their belongings on November 11, 2020, the day after the signing of the tripartite statement, but were captured by Azerbaijanis. A few days later, Euljekjian, who was a taxi driver and settled in Shushi city of Karabakh, was presented by Azerbaijan as a mercenary fighting for $2,500. He was charged on five accounts and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Najarian, however, was released in March 2021.

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