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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Wednesday received a delegation led by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the PM’s office informs

The premier welcomed the aforesaid delegation's visit to Armenia.

"I am happy for the high-level contacts and mutual visits that we see between the Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is important not only for the further development of our bilateral relations, but also in the sense of being more understandable to each other in our foreign relations and policies in general. Of course, we constantly discuss the matters on the bilateral agenda, and I am glad that a working and sincere atmosphere has been established in these discussions. I also know that you had a productive discussion with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and you have active, intensive working contacts, which I am also happy about. I would also like to hear from you about the agenda and expected results of the visit," said the Armenian premier.

In turn, Iran's FM first conveyed the warm greetings of his country's president, Ebrahim Raisi, to Prime Minister Pashinyan.

"The [Iranian] President asked me to warmly congratulate you and the friendly people of the Republic of Armenia on New Year and Christmas. Your Excellency, I am very happy to meet you. We had a very good, constructive, and useful discussion with my colleague, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Mr. [Ararat] Mirzoyan. Today we [i.e. the visiting Iranian delegation] are in the Republic of Armenia to once again emphasize the attention we pay to bilateral relations and their importance. Our assessment is that both countries are on the right track. We are witnessing the development of [bilateral] relations in the political, economic, cultural, educational, and humanitarian spheres. Along with that, we pay special attention also to the deepening of [bilateral] relations," Amir-Abdollahian noted.

Subsequently, the interlocutors discussed a number of matters on the Armenian-Iranian cooperation agenda. In particular, reference was made to the deepening of bilateral trade and economic ties, and the projects being implemented and planned in the near future in infrastructure as well as in some other domains.

The parties exchanged views also on topics of regional significance, including the processes surrounding the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace treaty, the unblocking of regional transport communication routes based on the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality and reciprocity, an the Crossroads of Peace project of the Armenian government.

The Iranian FM noted that his country supports the de-blockade process based on the abovementioned principles, in particular, the Crossroads of Peace project.

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