June 20
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Russia and Armenia continued to increase the existing potential of bilateral cooperation in the passing year. This is noted in the New Year congratulatory message by Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin.

The Russian diplomat noted that in 2023, cultural, scientific, and educational ties between Armenia and Russia received a new impetus, which shows the preservation of the deep cultural and spiritual commonality of the two peoples.

"Bilateral trade and economic relations have dynamically developed and expanded. Russia has remained the [Armenian] republic's main trade partner and investor in the Armenian economy. Cooperation [between the two countries] in the domain of Eurasian integration processes has deepened. Cooperation in the format of the Eurasian Economic Union has progressed successfully," Kopyrkin said.

The diplomat is convinced that the active participation of Armenia and Russia in joint integration projects contributes to both the general development and the strengthening of the sovereignty of the two countries in today's very complex and alarming world.

"Also, the ending year became one of the gloomiest pages in the history of modern Armenia. More than 100 thousand [Armenian] people of Karabakh were forced to leave their homeland, leaving behind [their] homes and their usual way of life. It is not possible to fully imagine, to feel the pain and bewilderment of people who became victims of these tragic events. The Russians accepted that pain as their own. From the very first days [of the aforesaid], Russia has provided assistance to the forcibly displaced—both through public and private organizations, as well as at the state level," added the Russian ambassador to Armenia.

He emphasized that, at the same time, Russia, relying on the complex of the tripartite agreements, continued the line of resolutely assisting in the establishment of peace in the South Caucasus. According to the Russian envoy, Moscow has proactively and steadfastly assisted in the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"That hard work, despite all the difficulties, will certainly continue. Today, in the period of historic changes in the world structure, centuries-old, real brotherly ties between the Russian and Armenian peoples are in demand more than ever. This is our shared heritage, without the preservation of which it would be much more difficult for our countries to ensure their dignified and solid place in the new world order. It is very important that close interpersonal contacts are an integral part of our relations," Sergey Kopyrkin said.

In the end, the Russian ambassador congratulated the Armenian people on the occasion of the New Year, and wished peace, solidarity, and prosperity in the coming year.

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