June 20
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“Do not spread panic, just be cautious. The situation is under control in Armenia,” RA Minister of Health Harutyun Kushkyan stated, addressing the public. According to him, Armenia has laboratories for identifying the A/H1N1 virus, as well as sufficient amount of medicines for swine flue.

The Minister said that the Armenian companies importing medicines are ready to import the necessary amount of vaccines, as the World Health Organization promised vaccines to Armenia next year. “The Ministry of Health is negotiating with the WHO for changing the terms of supply, as the first swine flue cases have been registered in Armenia,” Kushkyan said. The Minister said that special vaccines, with minimum side effects, will be purchased for children.

As regards the swine flue cases registered in Armenia, the Minister pointed out that lab tests of two Armenian and one Iranian citizen have proved positive. The Iranian citizen later left Armenia, but the two Armenian citizens are still in hospital and will be discharged in two or three days. Kushkyan pointed out that the patients’ tests have been sent to London, but the final results will be available in a month.

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