June 19
Show news feed

YEREVAN. - French Ambassador to Armenia Henri Reynaud commented on the purchase of weapons by Azerbaijan.

In response to the question by the Armenian correspondent how France, being OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair dealing with Karabakh peace process, assesses the fact of weaponry purchase by one of the conflicting sides - Azerbaijan, the French diplomat said the following:

“As a Co-Chair state in the OSCE MG, France wishes to remind the statement adopted by the Presidents Sarkozy, Medvedev and Obama during the G8 summit in Deauville last May. They confirmed, in particular, that only settlement achieved through talks cab lead to peace as well as stability and reconciliation and provide opportunity for the development and cooperation in the region. In the meantime, Presidents of the conflicting sides are called upon to prepare their population to peace and not to war.” 

In addition, the Ambassador said that France pays attention to the fact that during the recent meeting in Sochi initiated by Medvedev, Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents stated that they agree to double efforts towards the agreement on the Basic Principles, taking into account the work done so far.

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