June 19
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YEREVAN. - It is unclear how the current leader of Turkey could express regret “for the events of 1915” now, with a delay of 99 years after the Genocide of Armenians and other Christians had taken place in Turkey, stated by Director of the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide Hayk Demoyan.

According to Armenian, in its response to Erdogan, Armenian scholar wrote:

“Unfortunately, your statement contains elements of the official position of Turkey, which has nothing to do with reality. Let me say that many Turks do not believe that those were merely ‘events of 1915’, as you called them. According to the notes of the Turkish visitors of the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide, they want to know the entire truth, which is distorted and hidden from them throughout the history of Turkey.  There is a simple statement, Veritas liberabit vos. But let me remind you that your statement has been published in a few days after banning Twitter in Turkey, which violates the fundamental right of freedom of speech among Turkish youth.”

Earlier Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made his first message in connection with Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.  “The 24th of April carries a particular significance for our Armenian citizens and for all Armenians around the world, and provides a valuable opportunity to share opinions freely on a historical matter,” said the Turkish prime minister, staying true adherent of the policy of denial.

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