June 20
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YEREVAN. – A meeting is envisioned after February 5 among the leaders of the non-pro government “parliamentary troika”—non-pro-government Prosperous Armenia Party Chairman Gagik Tsarukyan, opposition Armenian National Congress Party Chairman and First President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, and opposition Heritage Party Chairman and former FM Raffi Hovannisian.

Heritage’s National Assembly Faction Head Ruben Hakobyan informed about the aforementioned at a press conference on Friday.

In his words, the future courses of action of the “parliamentary trio” will be determined during this talk, and information will be provided on a respective “roadmap.”

“And, now, it’s time to unite,” Hakobyan assured.

To note, a conference of Armenia’s non-government political forces and NGOs will be convened on February 5, and at the initiative of Gagik Tsarukyan.

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