June 19
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YEREVAN. – Turkey will not break off relations with the Vatican even after the Holy Mass which the Pope offered.

The head of the Political Affairs Bureau and the Armenian Cause Office of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Dashnaktsutyun Party, Giro Manoyan, stated the aforementioned at a press conference on Monday.

“I don’t think Turkey will break off economic and military relations with any state. I believe everything will fall [back] into place in two or three months,” Manoyan said, and added: “We have been witness to this numerous times.”

The ARF official also noted that Turkey does everything solely for its own interests.

As reported earlier, during the aforesaid mass, which was devoted to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, and which was offered on April 12 at the St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Pope Francis had stated that the Armenians had become the victims of the first genocide in the 20th century, and simply because of their ethnicity. And immediately after this mass, Turkey had recalled its ambassador to the Vatican.

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