June 19
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I live a normal life, I’m an optimist and I don’t worry about anything, said the French songwriter Charles Aznavour during the “Pozner” program, responding to the question about the secrets of his longevity.

“I don’t know whether I believe in God or not, but I think that the one who is called God can give us all we need,” the songwriter said.

Aznavour confessed he doesn’t keep any diet: “Don’t eat salt, sugar, fats…I eat all of that.” The songwriter also said he doesn’t go in for sports, but always tries to keep his back straight: “When you start to hunch, you start to drag your feet. Besides, one should always make an impression that everything is all right. That’s very important, since you’re encouraging others and yourself too, after all.”

According to Aznavour, he “doesn’t know” where he gets the power: “I’m just not a loser; there are people who are losers since their very birth, and I’m the opposite of loser.” The songwriter also noted that he is a doubting man, but this doesn’t complicate his life. “Conversely, when you know that any misfortune can occur, you’re calm and ready to work to get rid of that misfortune. And those who are not aware of the existence of misfortunes, die beforehand when those fulminate on him,” the songwriter said.

Charles Aznavour told that he’ll by all means be in Yerevan on April 24 to take part in the events commemorating the victims of the Armenian Genocide. “One shouldn’t ignore what happened. Turks should be told that it’s time to tell the truth,” he said.  

According to the singer, Turks refuse to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide for two reasons: “They can’t admit this as a fact, since the most important word for them is honor, and I can understand this. But there’s also another thing: Turkish people greatly enriched themselves on what belonged to Armenians.”

Nevertheless, Charles Aznavour feels no hatred towards Turks: he was taught to do this by his mother, who had lost her entire family during the Genocide. “Mother had no hatred towards Turks; she always said that there were good people among Turks too,” Aznavour said.

The singer highly appreciated Pope Francis’ statement that the Armenian Genocide was one of the most terrible crimes against humanity in the 20th century. “Pope Francis belongs to those rare people, who tell the truth regardless of anything, without fearing anything and without reproach,” Charles Aznavour said. 

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