June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – A delegation, led by US Ambassador Richard Mills, on Wednesday was hosted at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia.

The objective of the visit was to get familiarized with the project of establishing—with the transformation of the INSS—the National Research University of Defense in Armenia.

The INSS Head, Major General Hayk Kotanjian, presented the high-ranking guests the current phase in the development of the institute and the academic “products” of its activities.

The guests were also familiarized with construction of the new building of the National Research University of Defense.

At the ensuing talk, Kotanjian briefed the guests on the innovative work that was conducted toward the establishment of this university.

Ambassador Mills, for his part, underscored the project of establishing—with the American model—a national defense university in Armenia. The diplomat considered this project an intellectual platform to bring a new qualitative level to Armenian-American cooperation in the defense and security sectors.

Richard Mills also expressed his satisfaction in connection with the fruitful academic cooperation between the Institute for National Strategic Studies of Armenia and the National Defense University of the United States.

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