June 19
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Following the European Union (EU)-Turkey summit that was held in the Belgian capital city of Brussels, the parties informed about the decisions they had reached, informed Milliyet daily of Turkey.

Some of the key decisions are as follows:

The negotiating process on Turkish membership of the EU will be “reenergized;” many Turks could benefit from visa-free travel to Europe’s Schengen zone by October 2016 if Turkey meets conditions on tightening its borders in the east to Asian migrants and moves other benchmarks on reducing departures to Europe; the EU will allocate €3 billion (approx. US$3.2 billion) in aid for the Syrian refugees now in Turkey; and EU and Turkey will convene a summit once a year.

After the talk, summit chairman and European Council President Donald Tusk stated that the respective agreement will be applied starting in 2016.

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