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YEREVAN. - The highlight of the struggle of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) has been the “bloated” voter lists, which was also mentioned by the OSCE/ODIHR observation group in the recent report on referendum.

ANC faction Secretary Aram Manukyan told the aforementioned to Armenian News – correspondent, referring to the concern over voter lists mentioned in the report.

“This is an issue for Armenia, and solutions should be found to give confidence to the public,” Manukyan said.

According to the opposition MP, any measure should be taken to raise the public’s confidence towards the elections.

“ODIHR wrote that the Venice Commission doesn’t regard promulgation of voter lists a good practice since “abstention from voting may indicate a political choice, but at the same time it should be noted that making marked voter lists available for public verification is not prohibited by international law.” If in some country promulgation of voter lists gives confidence to the citizens over the fair elections, then you can do everything to raise the confidence of the voters towards the results of the election,” Manukyan noted.

He also stressed that ODIHR observers voice the concern which the ANC and the civil society also have. 

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