June 20
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The official representative of Turkish President Ibrahim Kalyn told journalists that Turkey and Israel had not reached final agreements on normalization of relations yet, TASS reported.

He motioned that initially, Turkey identified certain limits. Apologies were received (for capture of the Mavi Marmara ferry), there are arrangements on compensation,  but another issue is restoration of living conditions for the population of Gaza Strip. He also added that in this regard, they were initially persistent, as the way two million people live is unacceptable.

“Blockade of Palestine should be removed and a 49-year occupation should be stopped,” he added.

Kalyn reported that the contacts between the countries concerning the lifting of the blockade of  Gaza Strip are underway. He also said that they would come to the agreement as soon as the issue is resolved. The Turkish official added that  they would have a few more rounds of negotiations next week.

The Israeli special troops have captured the humanitarian Mavi Marmara ferry in May, 2010 that was coming from Turkey to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip. Then Ankara broke ties with the most part of Tel Aviv, lowered the level of diplomatic relations and took a hard line, putting forward a number of preconditions.    Relations between Turkey and Israel are not normalized to the previous level. But both countries have recently begun negotiations which give hope for restoration of the bilateral relations.

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