June 20
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Manfred Weber , the chairman of the center-right European People's Party, the largest in the European Parliament, criticized the construction of the Nord Stream - 2  for deliveries  of the Russian gas to Germany, writes Gazeta with a reference to the Financial Times.

 According to the politician, that project is not in the interest of the European foreign policy and security, since it will increase dependence of Europe on Gazprom. He also said that Europe should not finance the construction of the pipeline and expressed a concern that the Nord Stream - 2 will deprive Ukraine from receiving € 2 billion per year for the gas transit through its territory.

The politician called on the European Commission not to rely on the Russian gas and seek to increase supplies through Turkey from the producers of the Caspian region, as well as from Iran and Iraq, the newspaper Gazeta. As the FT notes, Weber's statement is important because it plays a significant role in the internal policy of Germany, which is considered to be a major supporter of the Nord Stream - 2 in Europe.

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