June 20
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – The Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of Armenia, Arman Tatoyan, on Monday held a working meeting with Bradley Busetto, the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator/UN Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in Armenia.

Office of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia informed Armenian that the  ensuring of human rights protection guarantees, both in legislation and in practice, as well as matters pertaining to further development of the capacity-building of the Human Rights Defender’s Office, more specifically the capacity-building of its regional offices, were discussed during the talk.

Busetto stressed the importance of the Human Rights Defender’s Office in ensuring the rights and freedoms, and expressed readiness to implement projects within the framework of bilateral cooperation.

Tatoyan, for his part, highlighted the role of the UN, more specifically that of UNDP, and confirmed his readiness to launch joint projects along the lines of human rights and his willingness to expand the domains of cooperation.

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