June 20
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YEREVAN. – A “heated” month May awaits the lawmakers of Armenia. They will have to stay in the National Assembly (NA) “trenches” the entire month, according to Hraparak daily newspaper.

“The [NA] special session will begin on May 10, the regular four-day [session]—[will convene from] 16 to 19, and discussion of the 2015 Budget performance report will start in the [NA] standing committees, from May 23.

“The RPA [i.e. the ruling Republican Party of Armenia] members do not rule the convening of several [other] special [NA sessions] in the future, since two readings are still needed for the EC [i.e. the Electoral Code] bill to pass for adoption on June 1.

“The package of the new Tax Code is already sent to the NA. There are numerous other programs which they need to pass,” Hraparak wrote.

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