June 22
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Train service and motor transport is almost completely blocked in the French-speaking region of Belgium of Wallonia because of the railway strike,  electronic version of the Soir newspaper reported. 

The decision on continuation of the spontaneous protests carried out in Wallonia since Wednesday, was made after negotiations of labor unions with administration on additional days of rest for workers of the railroads were completed without results on Friday.

As a result of the protests, a traffic jam with a total length of 500 kilometers was formed.

Earlier, the labor union of employees of National society of the railroads of Belgium announced a general daily strike of the members on May 30-31. According to the secretary general of labor union Michel Abdissi, in connection with the internal movement of trains protest actiond on the territory of Belgium will not take place from 22.00 local time on 30 May until 22.00 on 31 May.

The railroad workers intend to voice their protest against policy of austerity, increase of retirement age and plans of lengthening of a working week, RIA Novosti reported.

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