June 20
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YEREVAN. – The Armenian citizens, who are stuck at the Upper Lars checkpoint at the Georgia-Russia border, will be transferred to Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan with a plane of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), informed the MES of Armenia.

It is noted that the situation remains unchanged at the collapsed road leading to the checkpoint, road repair works are underway, and two tent camps—designed for 70 people—have been set up.

The Russian MES aircraft, which is expected to transport 156 Armenian citizens back to Armenia, on Wednesday will land at the airport in Vladikavkaz, Russia, and accompanied by the Armenia MES representative in Russia. 

The respective measures which Armenia is taking are at the focus of attention of Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan.

According to preliminary estimates, the repair of the damaged road section will last 15 to 20 days. This road section had collapsed on June 23 due to heavy rainfall. There were no affected, but 60 to 70 tourists were evacuated.

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