June 19
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The correspondent reports that the demonstrators gathered in the Liberty square require to march to Khorenatsi street , where people have been detained throughout the day .

Albert Baghdasaryan taking the microphone announced that the rally in direction of Khorenatsi Street does not mean a support for the Sasna Tsrer group, since it can lead to provocations.  The member of National Self-Determination party Gagik Sarukhanyan suggested to march to  Khorenaci street tomorrow. The people cried "Khorenatsi " in response .

The Civil activist Kivirian announced that the demands of the Sasna Tserer is clear. “Pavlik Manukyan is in the reanimation section . Who gives a guarantee that it will not happen again?  Making a circle around the empty streets of Yerevan will give nothing. I think that we don’t need a coordinating council or leaders. Let each one decides, what he wants to do . No need to turn  everything into a political demagogy , " he said .

In the end, the participants decided to march towards Khorenatsi street . Note, that the police have arrested the political scientist Andrias Ghukasyan and the member of  "Rise , Armenia” initiative  David Hovhannisyan .

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