June 19
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The scientists have revealed that a person can feel a look casted at him from the side. The peculiarities of human’s brain have not been fully investigated, therefore, from year to year scientists reveal unique capabilities of the brain. Recently, the experts have proved that brain allows to feel a glance casted from the side, reports the Informing.

Scientists pinpoint that a fleeting glance provokes a cascade of processes in the brain. The brain begins to analyze the probability of a risk, determines the distance between the person looking at you, and analyses other dimensions. According to experts the ancient people managed to survive thanks to that important feature. Our ancestors could feel the presence of the predators in the wildlife and even the presence of members of the hostile tribes. As experts note, we often call it a sixth sense. It appears as a result of processing the information received and in some cases allows to predict future events even today. The authors of the study prove that humans can use instincts in the interaction with the environment.

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