June 20
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YEREVAN. - There are no candidates for the post of the Chairman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) but for Serzh Sargsyan and they are unlikely to appear.

Deputy Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly (NA) Eduard Sharmazanov, who is also the Spokesman for the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), told the aforementioned to journalists after the RPA Executive Body session Friday, referring to the results of the discussion on the agenda of the RPA Congress slated for November 26.

According to him, the government program approved in the parliament and the results of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit held in Yerevan were also discussed at the session.

In Sharmazanov's words, the RPA Chairman will make a report and the subsequent of elections of the leader and members of the Executive Body and Steering Committee will take place. Apart from this, the resolution of the RPA's 16th Congress will be adopted, he added.


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