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The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) decided to break all ties with the Israeli Mossad. However, the Israeli authorities refused to confirm or deny this information so far, the Turkish newspaper Sabah reports.

Israeli media reported that intelligence cooperation with Turkey will cease in June. The reason for such suspicion was the appointment of the head of intelligence organization Hakan Fidan, who is one of the main political allies of the Islamist Prime Minister Erdogan and main conductor of the pro-Iranian supporters in Ankara, said Mignews.

As reported earlier, Turkey has agreed to place American missile defense on the Turkish territory. The Turks demanded that the system was not aimed against Iran (and against Russia, and Syria) and instead was "designed to protect Europe and Turkey", with no specific definition of the source of threat. In addition, Turkey demanded unrestricted access to all data collected by such a system, and a ban on the transfer of the same data to Israel.

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