June 19
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Former US military intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning was released after two months in prison, BBC reported

Wikileaks informer got into the detention center for refusing to testify in the case against the organization and its leader Julian Assange.

Manning was freed from the detention center of Alexandria, Virginia, where she spent 62 days. American law regards the refusal to testify as contempt of court, which, in turn, threatens with imprisonment.

She noted that she would not testify because she opposes the secrecy of the process and the investigation. She also argued that even during the military tribunal she had told everything she knew about her case.

Manning’s lawyers reported that their client was released due to the expiration of the term of office of the grand jury on Thursday. On Monday, Manning, who had spent exactly two months behind bars, asked the court to release her.

Even before her release, Manning’s lawyers received a new subpoena, according to which she must appear before the new grand jury on 16 May.

"Chelsea will continue to refuse to answer questions, and will use every available legal defence to prove... that she has just cause for her refusal to give testimony."

The investigation into Wikileaks case in the United States has been going on for several years. The founder of the project, Julian Assange, was granted asylum and hid in the Ecuadorian embassy in London from August 2012 to April 2019, when he was refused further residence on the territory of the embassy. Now the court in London is considering the case of his extradition.

In the US, he is accused of conspiring to break into the state computer system. According to the investigation, Assange led the actions of Manning in 2010, in order to get over 725,000 classified documents from the informant. Later they published it at Wikileaks.

In 2016, Assange said that he was ready to surrender to the US authorities if they pardoned his informant.

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