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The decision to bring the retired secretary of the Artsakh National Security Council Vitaly Balasanyan to the SIS was submitted to the Artsakh Prosecutor's Office, Hraparak daily wrote.

By the way, earlier, through the Artsakh Police, the Special Investigation Service had sent a notice to Vitaly Balasanyan to summon him to an interview in relation to the criminal case of the events of March 1, 2008, but later, Balasanyan sent a letter stating that he had received the notice after the deadline for showing up at the interview referred to in the notice.

According to the newspaper, the lawyers explained that the SIS cannot arrest a citizen of Artsakh, if such a decision is made, it is illegal. 

They can only seek and apply to the Artsakh Prosecutor's Office asking to extradite a person who has committed a crime on the territory of their country.

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