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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said at a meeting with representatives of the European Business Association that the accumulation of Russian troops near the borders is psychological pressure from Russia, his press service quoted him as saying.

"We believe that the accumulation of troops near the borders is psychological pressure from our neighbors. We see nothing new in this. As for the risks - there are risks and they have not ended since 2014. The question is the degree of those risks and how we react to them,' said the President.

Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine does everything to strengthen its defense and to be able to react to any development of events. In particular, planned exercises are being conducted, activities aimed at improving the supply of troops are being carried out.

He assured that they have enough forces and weapons to defend the state with dignity without involving anyone else but the military. At the same time, the president noted, that international partners and allies have also intensified their activities to support Ukraine and stabilize the situation.

"Many countries of the world are our friends. I believe that uniting efforts of the European Union countries, the United States, uniting a stable position to support Ukraine is a very important signal," Zelensky said.

The Head of State noted the security issue must not affect the life of the country, adding that the economic situation in Ukraine is stable.

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