June 20
Show news feed

Turkey may offer new supply alternatives for a number of European countries after discovering new gas reserves in the Black Sea, TRT Haber TV channel reported on Friday.

Turkey in 2020 discovered a large gas field in the Black Sea, the volume of which is estimated at 540 billion cubic meters. Then the President Tayyip Erdogan called the field the largest in the country. He also reported that a gas field with reserves of 58 billion cubic meters was discovered in the Black Sea, the reserve estimate was increased to 652 billion, and the total gas reserves in the Black Sea reached 710 billion cubic meters and worth 1 trillion dollars in international markets.

The signing of the agreement between Turkey and Bulgaria on natural gas trade is a notable development for the EU and the Balkan countries. The renewed gas discovered by Ankara in the Black Sea and its powerful gas infrastructure could offer new alternatives for some European countries, the channel reported.

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