June 20
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Zhoghovurd newspaper of Armenia writes: According to the information of Zhoghovurd daily, these days the question of whether or not to renounce the [parliamentary] mandates of [MPs] Seyran Ohanyan and Armen Charchyan is being discussed within the [opposition] “Armenia” Faction [in the National Assembly (NA)].

The thing is that before the arrival of Prosecutor General Anna Vardapetyan to the NA, Seyran Ohanyan and Armen Charchyan personally informed their teammates about their wish to renounce the mandate. And the teammates dissuaded them from that intention, saying that it will be considered a sign of "weakness," it will turn out that they admit their fault and are "retreating." After long discussions, the [two aforesaid] MPs yielded to their teammates and did not [renounce] the mandates. 

We were informed that Seyran Ohanyan and Charchyan continue to bring this issue to the agenda even after being stripped of [parliamentary] immunity. But the majority of the [aforementioned] faction is against this; they believe that in this way they will give the [ruling majority] CC [(Civil Contract) faction] members [in parliament] another topic to talk about, that they succeed in "dissecting" the opposition, so they are trying in every way to dissuade Ohanyan and Charchyan from the idea of giving up [their parliamentary] mandates.

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