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The Union of Freedom Fighters of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) has issued a statement in response to the publications and threats about the demilitarization of Artsakh spread in the information field of Azerbaijan. The statement reads as follows:

"In the last few days, calls and ultimatums regarding military aggression against the people of Artsakh and the disarmament of the Artsakh Defense Army have been circulating in the pro-government information field of the Azerbaijani authorities, about which the official circles of Azerbaijan have repeatedly made false claims and statements. Apparently, the Azerbaijani propaganda machine is trying to prepare the ground for another aggression against the people of Artsakh with an informational attack, which is motivated by the need to protect the supposedly Azerbaijani population in the occupied territories of Artsakh.

“Noting that in 2020 in the military-political situation created as a result of the war, and especially under the conditions of the blockade, Azerbaijan continues to present increasing ontological threats to the people of Artsakh, militarizes the occupied territories of the Republic of Artsakh at a high rate, turning them into a training ground, we emphasize that the main factor restraining these dangers is the Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh, formed exclusively from the citizens of the Artsakh Republic and carrying out only self-defense function.

“The authorities of Azerbaijan are well aware that the Defense Army, formed in the war of the 1990s, realized the indisputable right of self-defense of its own people, which is fixed by the fundamental documents of international law. By exercising the right to self-defense, the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has protected the life, right to self-determination, freedom and independence of each of its citizens.

“The Union of Artsakh Freedom Fighters emphasizes that any demand to disarm the Defense Army is unacceptable and illegal, and the Union and the entire people of Artsakh stand by the Defense Army. We declare that the only source of instability in the region is the armed forces of Azerbaijan, which frequently engages terrorists and mercenaries in military operations, as well as violates all norms of international humanitarian law.

“We expect that, in order to ensure peace in the region, the international community will take active steps to prevent the aggressive militarization of Azerbaijan and further terrorist acts."

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