June 20
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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia sent a congratulatory message to President Joe Biden of the United States of America, on the latter’s Independence Day anniversary. The congratulatory message reads as follows, in particular:

"Active Armenian-American bilateral relations in recent years are promising, especially in the areas of democratic reforms, strengthening the rule of law and fighting corruption. I am happy to record that we have cooperation based on mutual trust between our governments, which gives an opportunity to effectively address the existing challenges and further strengthen the connection between our states and peoples.

“We highly appreciate the position of the United States in supporting the territorial integrity, sovereignty and democracy of the Republic of Armenia, which was demonstrated in practice during the years 2021-2022. We also highly appreciate the efforts of the USA in the direction of establishing long-lasting and sustainable peace in the South Caucasus, normalizing Armenia-Azerbaijan relations, and addressing the rights and security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Republic of Armenia continues to adhere to the peace agenda for the sake of the inviolability of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia, for the sake of independence, sovereignty and long-term peaceful development in the region."

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