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A dedicated team of medical professionals, equipped with essential medications and medical supplies, has departed for Stepanakert via helicopter. Their mission is to provide urgent medical assistance to fellow compatriots who were injured in the recent explosion at a gasoline warehouse near the Stepanakert-Askera highway.

The Armenian Ministry of Health has relayed this information, underscoring the preparations underway at Stepanakert Central Hospital to receive patients in need of care.

The explosion on September 25 resulted in extensive damage, with victims and injuries reported. Shocking videos of the powerful blast circulated on social media, revealing the destruction caused by the explosion of a 100-ton capacity fuel tank.

A total of 290 patients with varying degrees of burns were admitted to multiple medical centers, including the "Republican Medical Center," "Arevik" Medical Center, Ivanyan Medical Center, and the Russian peacekeepers' medical facility. The majority of patients were transferred to the "Republican Medical Center," although tragically, seven patients succumbed to their injuries.

The situation remains dire, as dozens of patients affected by the explosion are still in critical condition. In addition, 13 bodies have yet to be identified and have been transferred to the "Bureau of Forensic Examination." Moreover, many individuals are still unaccounted for, their status unknown due to severe burns suffered in the explosion, necessitating further verification.

This critical medical intervention is part of ongoing efforts to address the tragic aftermath of the explosion and provide vital medical care to those affected. Additional information regarding the situation's development will be made available in due course.

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