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I have a lot to tell you. But what I have to tell you contains great dangers for the future fate of both Armenia and Artsakh. The President of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), Samvel Shahramanyan, told this to the forcibly displaced Artsakh residents who are staging a protest outside the Artsakh representation in Armenia Friday.

"We are all in a very difficult, extremely dire situation, and what is happening here makes our situation even worse. I have no enemies here, our enemy is but one, and we all know it. I am accountable, before all of you and all of your families, for all the steps I have taken. Different remarks are heard here. (…).

"We have another homeland, the Republic of Armenia, and we have no right to endanger the fate of Armenia. I am ready to meet with everyone and discuss what you accuse me of, or what issues you want to discuss," said the Artsakh president.

He suggested meeting next week, but this caused the dissatisfaction of the protesters.

"Please choose 20-30 people from among you, let’s have a quiet conversation in the hall," the Artsakh president suggested as an option.

The second option is to arrange a meeting early next week.

However, the situation does not calm down, those assembled did not allow the President of Artsakh to finish his words, and they angrily ask various questions.

Earlier we reported that the situation at the building of Artsakh representation in Armenia was tense. And a group of forcibly displaced Artsakh residents, who were protesting in the courtyard of the building, had stormed into the building.

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