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At the press conference held in Yerevan Friday, Peter Szijjarto, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, while answering the question of not accepting the EU's statement on Azerbaijan's military aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh, smoothly pointed the arrows at Josep Borrell, the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

When asked if the information that Hungary had vetoed the aforesaid joint statement of the EU countries was true, Szijjarto began to discuss the functions of the EU foreign policy chief.

"I can say the following: The EU has a High Representative, Mr. Borrell. He always makes uninhibited statements, we do not veto them. And since he has such an opportunity, we consider it unnecessary to agree on what he should say on behalf of everyone. He is the supreme representative, all responsibility and powers are in his hands. He can and does make statements—not only on this, but also on other matters. We have said: he is the High Representative, this is his job, he should make statements. He holds this position and receives a salary for it; this is our general point of view," the Hungarian FM said.

To note, Hungary has friendly relations with Azerbaijan.

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