June 20
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Past daily of Armenia writes: Recently, [PM] Nikol Pashinyan had said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that Yerevan "does not see advantages" in having a Russian military base on the territory of Armenia, but at the same time he emphasized that they are not discussing the matter of withdrawing the Russian military from the republic.

In recent days, the Russian media have been actively addressing this topic, particularly studying the 1995 agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia on the Russian military base and noting that Armenia will not be able to unilaterally renounce the 102nd Russian military base located in Gyumri until 2044.

Thus, Article 27 of the relevant document states: "If one of the parties declares its intention to terminate this agreement, the issues related to the liquidation of the Russian military base are resolved by the mixed commission. The liquidation of the Russian military base must be completed within the period agreed between the parties." According to Protocol No. 5 of the agreement on the Russian base signed by the [then] presidents of Russia and Armenia, Dmitry Medvedev and Serzh Sargsyan, in 2010, the term of its stay in the territory of Armenia was extended until 2044.

This circumstance was confirmed, in particular, by deputy chairman of the [Russian] State Duma Committee on Defense, Yuri Shvytkin, in a conversation with Izvestia. "According to the agreement concluded between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia, after the expiration of the term of its validity, it is automatically extended for the next five years if one of the parties does not notify the other party in writing about the intention to terminate its validity at least six months before the expiration of the term. The provisions of this agreement may be revised at the initiative of one of the parties and by mutual agreement.”

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