June 20
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Hraparak daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: According to our information, Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] MPs have agreed to convene an NA [(National Assembly)] session [in Armenia] on Tuesday. If there is no force majeure and the RA authorities’ intervention, it will take place. They intend to do [it] in a closed format, to issue a statement after the session.

After the well-known September events, NA MPs have not convened a session. They do not agree with the RA authorities that the maintenance of the AR [(Artsakh Republic)] state institutions is a threat to Armenia's security, so they are discussing for a long time the issue of convening an NA session, but with as "harmless" an agenda as possible.

We were told that the matter of the mandate of 2 MPs has been put [on the agenda of this session]. (…). The second matter will concern the formation of an international committee on Artsakh, which is [Armenia’s ex-FM] Vartan Oskanian's idea. The AR MPs are discussing the matter with Oskanian. The mission of the committee formed by law will be to present the Artsakh issue on international platforms; also, they plan to include international experts.

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